- K. Bell, C. Kreucher, M. Rangaswamy, Information-Theoretic Approach to Fully Adaptive Radar Resource Management. Y. Gu, Y. Zhang, editors, Information-Theoretic Radar Signal Processing, Chapter 12, Pages 347-374. Wiley, November 2024. [WWW] [PDF]
- K. Banas, C. Kreucher, A Multi-view CNN for SAR ATR. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 1-6, May 2024. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Banas, M. Kosek, B. Raeker, A Multiview Approach for Moving Target SAR ATR. The Proceedings of the MSS Tri-Service Radar Conference, June 2024.
- K. Bell, C. Kreucher, A. Brandwie, J. Johnson, Fully Adaptive Radar Resource Allocation for Tracking and Classification. K. Mishra, M. Rangaswamy, B. Shankar, editors, Next Generation Cognitive Radar Systems, Chapter 9, Pages 277-312. IET Press, December 2023. [WWW] [PDF]
- A. Charlish, F. Hofmann, K. Bell, C. Kreucher, Stochastic Control for Cognitive Radar. K. Mishra, M. Rangaswamy, B. Shankar, editors, Next Generation Cognitive Radar Systems, Chapter 10, Pages 313-343. IET Press, December 2023. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, SAR-ATR Using EO-based Deep Networks. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 1-5, May 2023. [WWW] [PDF]
- K. Banas, T. Hill, C. Kreucher, B. Raeker, K. Simpson, K. Weeks, Novel View Synthesis with Compressed Sensing as Data Augmentation for SAR ATR. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Conference, May 2023. [WWW] [PDF]
- B. Raeker, T. Hill, C. Kreucher, K. Banas, K. Tactac, K. Simpson, K. Weeks, Improving SAR ATR Using Synthetic Data via Transfer Learning. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Conference, May 2023. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Masarik, C. Kreucher, K. Weeks, K. Simpson, End-to-End ATR Leveraging Deep Learning. M. Rysz, A. Tsokas, K. Dipple, K. Fair, P. Pardalos, editors, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Applications, Chapter 1, Pages 1-23. Springer, December 2022. [WWW] [PDF]
- K. Bell, C. Kreucher, M. Rangaswamy, An Evaluation of Task and Information Driven Approaches for Radar Resource Allocation. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 1-6, May 2021. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Masarik, C. Kreucher, M. Wilmanski, K. Simpson, K. Weeks, A Hybrid Template / Deep Learning Approach to SAR ATR. The Proceedings of the MSS National Fire Control Symposium, February 2020.
- A. Charlish, K. Bell, C. Kreucher, Implementing Perception-Action Cycles Using Stochastic Optimization. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 1-6, September 2020. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Masarik, J. Valenzuela, C. Kreucher, An Information Theoretic Approach to Flight Path Planning. The Proceedings of the MSS National Fire Control Symposium, February 2020.
- C. Kreucher, M. Masarik, J. Valenzuela, R. Malinas, An Information Theoretic Radar Tracker Performance Model. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 1-5, April 2019. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Bell, A Geodesic Flow Particle Filter for Non-Thresholded Radar Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54(6): 3169-3175, December 2018. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, M. Masarik, J. Valenzuela, R. Malinas, An Information Theoretic Model For Radar Tracking and Data Fusion. The Proceedings of the MSS National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion (NSSDF), October 2018.
- S. Anderson, P. Bierdz, K. Bell, C. Kreucher, D. Sobota, Motion Model Validation and Analysis for Supermaneuverable Targets. The Proceedings of the MSS Tri-Service Radar Conference, June 2018.
- C. Kreucher, K. Bell, A Geodesic Flow Particle Filter for Non-Thresholded Measurements. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 891-896, May 2017. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Wilmanski, C. Kreucher, A. Hero, Complex Input Convolutional Neural Network Features for Wide Angle SAR ATR. The Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Pages 1037-1041, December 2016. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, P. Bierdz, K. Bell, Optimal Exploitation of Fluctuating Target Measurements. The Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Pages 1088-1091, December 2016. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Wilmanski, C. Kreucher, J. Lauer, Modern Approaches in Deep Learning for SAR ATR. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, April 2016. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Bell, An Estimation Error Bound for Pixelated Sensing. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, April 2016. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Bell, D. Sobota, Tracking Algorithm Performance Evaluation for Supermaneuverable Targets. The Proceedings of the MSS Tri-Service Radar Conference, July 2015.
- B. Shapo, C. Kreucher, Performance of Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Passive Ranging in Multipath. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 742-747, July 2015. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Bell, D. Sobota, A Comparison of Tracking Algorithms for Supermaneuverable Targets. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 534-541, July 2015. [WWW] [PDF]
- B. Shapo, C. Kreucher, Optimal Fusion of Video and RF Data for Detection and Tracking with Object Occlusion. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, May 2014. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, M. Brennan, A Compressive Sensing Approach to Multistatic Radar Change Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(2): 1107-1112, February 2014. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, B. Shapo, CRB-Optimal Sensor Placement for Multiple Passive Acoustic Arrays. The Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Pages 141-144, December 2013. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, Optimal Sensor Placement for a Constellation of Multistatic Narrowband Pixelated Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(6): 1374-1383, November 2012. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Brennan, C. Kreucher, B. Shapo, Multistatic Radar Change Detection Using Sparse Imaging Methods. The Proceedings of the IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Pages 532-535, August 2012. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, B. Himed, Multiple Target Tracking Using a Narrowband RF Sensor Array. The Proceddings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Pages 145-148, June 2012. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, M. Brennan, J. Burns, B. Himed, Detecting, Tracking, and Imaging IED Placement Activities from a Constellation of Narrowband Multistatic Radar. The Proceedings of the MSS Tri-Service Radar Conference, June 2012.
- M. Brennan, C. Kreucher, B. Shapo, Multistatic Radar Change Detection Using A Sparse Imaging Approach. The Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference, Pages 45-50, May 2012. [WWW] [PDF]
- B. Shapo, M. Stuff, C. Kreucher, R. Majewski, Detection and Tracking of Prominent Scatterers in SAR data. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing Symposium, April 2012. [WWW] [PDF]
- B. Shapo, C. Kreucher, Track-before-Fuse Error Bounds for Tracking Passive Targets. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 1592-1599, July 2011. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, Dismount Tracking by Fusing Measurements from a Constellation of Bistatic Narrowband Radar. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 1361-1368, July 2011. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, B. Shapo, A Fuse-Before-Track Approach to Target State Estimation Using Passive Acoustic Sensors. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 1889-1896, July 2011. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, B. Shapo, Multitarget Detection and Tracking Using Multisensor Passive Acoustic Data. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 36(2): 205-218, April 2011. [WWW] [PDF]
- B. Shapo, C. Kreucher, M. Brennan, Bayesian Data Fusion for Tracking Motion Imagery and Maritime Targets. The Proceedings of the Automatic Target Recognition Working Group, May 2011.
- C. Kreucher, M. Brennan, B. Shapo, Using a Constellation of Narrowband RF Sensors to Detect, Track, and Alert on Surveillance Region Activity. The Proceedings of the Automatic Target Recognition Working Group, May 2011.
- C. Kreucher, J. Burns, B. Hart, B. Himed, Narrowband Multistatic Radar for Detection of IED Placement Activities. The Proceedings of the MSS Tri-Service Radar Conference, June 2011.
- C. Kreucher, Exploiting Narrowband Bistatic Radar Measurements for Dismount Detection and Tracking. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 53(1): 98-105, February 2011. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, J. Stayman, B. Shapo, M. Stuff, Exploiting A Constellation of Narrowband RF Sensors to Detect and Track Moving Targets. The Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pages 1966-1970, November 2010. [WWW] [PDF]
- R. Bethel, B. Shapo, C. Kreucher, PDF Target Detection and Tracking. Signal Processing, 90(7): 2164-2176, July 2010. [WWW] [PDF]
- B. Shapo, C. Kreucher, Basis Pursuit for Robust Passive Acoustic Beamforming. The Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pages 472-476, November 2009. [WWW] [PDF]
- E. Chong, C. Kreucher, A. Hero, Partially observable Markov Decision Process Approximations for Adaptive Sensing. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 19(3): 377-422, September 2009. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, B. Shapo, R. Bethel, Multitarget Detection and Tracking using Multi-sensor Passive Acoustic Data. The Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Pages 1-16, March 2009. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Carter, An Information Theoretic Approach to Processing Management. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Pages 1869-1872, March 2008. [WWW] [PDF]
- E. Chong, C. Kreucher, A. Hero, Monte-Carlo-Based Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Approximations for Adaptive Sensing. The Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Pages 173-180, May 2008. [WWW] [PDF]
- E. Chong, C. Kreucher, A. Hero, POMDP Approximation Using Simulation and Heuristics. A. Hero, D. Castanon, D. Cochran, K. Kastella, editors, Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management, Chapter 5, Pages 95-120. Springer, January 2008. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, M. Morelande, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Joint Multitarget Particle Filtering. A. Hero, D. Castanon, D. Cochran, K. Kastella, editors, Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management, Chapter 4, Pages 59-94. Springer, January 2008. [WWW] [PDF]
- A. Hero, C. Kreucher, D. Blatt, Information Theoretic Approaches to Sensor Management. A. Hero, D. Castanon, D. Cochran, K. Kastella, editors, Foundations and Applications of Sensor Management, Chapter 3, Pages 33-58. Springer, January 2008. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, J. Wegrzyn, M. Beauvais, R. Conti, Multi-platform Information Based Sensor Management, An Inverted UAV Demonstration. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Systems, April 2007. [WWW] [PDF]
- A. Hero, C. Kreucher, Network Sensor Management for Tracking and Localization. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 1-8, July 2007. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, M. Morelande, An Information-Based Approach to Sensor Management in Large Dynamic Networks. The Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Estimation and Control of Large Scale Systems, 95(5): 978-999, May 2007. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Morelande, C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A Bayesian Approach to Multiple Target Detection and Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 55(5): 1589-1604, May 2007. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, Monte Carlo Methods for Sensor Management in Target Tracking. The Proceedings of the IEEE Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Pages 232-237, September 2006. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, D. Blatt, A. Hero, K. Kastella, Adaptive Multi-modality Sensor Scheduling for Detection and Tracking of Smart Targets. Digital Signal Processing, 16(5): 546-567, September 2006. [WWW] [PDF]
- P. Bidigare, C. Kreucher, R. Conti, A Tracking Approach to Localization and Synchronization in Mobile Ad-hoc Sensor networks. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Systems, Pages 146-157, April 2006. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, J. Wegrzyn, B. Rickenbach, An Information Based Approach to Decentralized Multi-platform Sensor Management. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Systems, Pages 134-145, April 2006. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, A Comparison of Task Driven and Information Driven Sensor Management for Target Tracking. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 4004-4009, December 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Multitarget Tracking using the Joint Multitarget Probability Density. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 41(4): 1396-1414, October 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Morelande, C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A Study of Factors in Multiple Target Tracking With a Pixelized Sensor. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Pages 155-167, July 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, B. Shapo, Information-based Sensor Management for Simultaneous Multitarget Tracking and Identification. The Proceedings of the Conference on Adaptive Sensor Array Processing, June 2005. [PDF]
- K. Kastella, C. Kreucher, Multiple model nonlinear filtering for low signal ground target applications. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 41(2): 549-564, April 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Multi-platform Information-based Sensor Management. The Proceedings of SPIE Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Systems, Pages 141-151, March 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, Non-myopic Approaches to Scheduling Agile Sensors for Multitarget Detection, Tracking, and Identification. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Special Section on Advances in Waveform Agile Sensor Processing, Pages 885-888, March 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Morelande, C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, Multiple Target Tracking with a Pixelized Sensor. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Pages 585-588, March 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, M. Morelande, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Particle Filtering for Multitarget Detection and Tracking. The Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Pages 2101-2116, March 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Sensor Management Using An Active Sensing Approach. Signal Processing, 85(3): 607-624, March 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, An Information Based Approach to Sensor Resource Allocation Ph.D. Dissertation The University of Michigan February 2005. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, D. Chang, Efficient Methods of Non-myopic Sensor Management for Multitarget Tracking. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Pages 722-727, December 2004. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A. Hero, K. Kastella, Multiple Model Particle Filtering for Multitarget Tracking. The Proceedings of the Conference on Adaptive Sensor Array Processing, March 2004. [PDF]
- Chris Kreucher, Keith Kastella, Alfred Hero, Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle Filter Representation of the Joint Multitarget Probability Density. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Pages 258-269, August 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Information-based Sensor Management for Multitarget Tracking. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Pages 480-489, August 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Particle Filtering and Information Prediction for Sensor Management. The 2003 Defense Applications of Data Fusion Workshop, July 2003. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, A Bayesian Method for Integrated Multitarget Tracking and Sensor Management. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 704-711, July 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, An Information Based Sensor Management Method for Multitarget Tracking. The 2003 Workshop on Multiple Hypothesis Tracking: A Tribute to Samuel S. Blackman, Pages 77-81, May 2003. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle Filter Representation of The Joint Multitarget Probability Density. The Sixth ONR/GTRI Workshop on Target Tracking and Sensor Fusion, May 2003.
- Chris Kreucher, Keith Kastella, Alfred Hero, Multi-target Sensor Management Using Alpha Divergence Measures. The Procededings of the Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) Conference, Pages 209-222, April 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- S. Musick, J. Greenwald, K. Kastella, C. Kreucher, Comparing Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Tracking Applications. The Proceedings of the Defense Applications of Signal Processing Workshop, September 2001. [PDF]
- S. Musick, J. Greenwald, C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A Comparison of Particle Method and Finite Difference Nonlinear Filters for Low SNR Target Tracking. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, August 7 - 10 2001. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, Multiple Model Nonlinear Filtering for low-signal Ground Target Applications. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition, Pages 1-12, April 16 - 20 2001. [WWW] [PDF]
- K. Kastella, M. Pagels, C. Kreucher, Nonlinear Filtering for Ground Target Applications. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Pages 266-276, April 24 - 28 2000. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, A Frequency Domain Approach to Lane Detection in Roadway Images. The Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Pages 31-34, October 24 - 28 1999. [WWW] [PDF]
- J. Gorman, A. Hero, C. Kreucher, B. Ma, Graph Entropic Approaches for Multisensor Image Registration. The 1999 Air Force Research Laboratory Image Registration Workshop, September 1999. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, M. Beauvais, Using Fuzzy Logic for Autonomous Navigation. The Proceedings of the Third Annual ICSC Symposium on Computational Intelligence Methods & Applications, Pages 121-127, June 1999. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, LANA : A Lane Extraction Algorithm that uses Frequency Domain Features. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(2): 343-350, April 1999. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, Shape Inference From Compressed Images. The Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and Imaging, February 1999. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, A Tool for Query and Analysis of MPEG Encoded Video. The Proceedings of the International Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video Coding, Pages 57-60, October 1998. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, K. Kluge, A Driver Warning System Based on the LOIS Lane Detection Algorithm. The Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, Pages 17-22, October 1998. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, A Tool for Query and Analysis of MPEG Encoded Video Masters Thesis The University of Michigan, Dearborn May 1998. [PDF]
- K. Kluge, C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, Tracking Lane and Pavement Edges Using Deformable Templates. The Proceedings of SPIE Enhanced and Synthetic Vision, Pages 167-176, April 13 - 17 1998. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Beauvais, C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, Building World Models for Mobile Platforms using Heterogeneous Sensor Fusion and Temporal Analysis. The Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Pages 230-235, November 1997. [WWW] [PDF]
- M. Beauvais, R. De{F}auw, C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, MOSFET: The Michigan Off-Road Sensor Fusing Experimental Testbed. The 1997 AUVSI Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, June 1997. [PDF]
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