ECE 460 (Control Systems) Course Materials
This site includes handouts, homework solutions, quiz solutions, and past exam solutions from the Winter 1999-Winter 2001 semesters for ECE460 Control Systems (also called ECE365 and ME 442).
Winter 2000 Homework
- HW #1 Soln #1
- HW #2 Soln #2
- HW #3 Soln #3
- HW #4 Soln #4 (1) Soln #4 (2) Soln #4 (3), #5 (1)  
- HW #5 Soln #5 (2)
- HW #6 Soln #6
- HW #7 Soln #7
- HW #8 Soln #8
- HW #9 Soln #9
- HW #10 Soln #10
- HW #11 Soln #10
- HW #12 Soln #12
- HW #13 Soln #13