1. C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, A Frequency Domain Approach to Lane Detection in Roadway Images. The Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Pages 31-34, October 24 - 28 1999. [WWW] [PDF]

  2. J. Gorman, A. Hero, C. Kreucher, B. Ma, Graph Entropic Approaches for Multisensor Image Registration. The 1999 Air Force Research Laboratory Image Registration Workshop, September 1999. [PDF]

  3. C. Kreucher, M. Beauvais, Using Fuzzy Logic for Autonomous Navigation. The Proceedings of the Third Annual ICSC Symposium on Computational Intelligence Methods & Applications, Pages 121-127, June 1999. [PDF]

  4. C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, LANA : A Lane Extraction Algorithm that uses Frequency Domain Features. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(2): 343-350, April 1999. [WWW] [PDF]

  5. C. Kreucher, S. Lakshmanan, Shape Inference From Compressed Images. The Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and Imaging, February 1999. [WWW] [PDF]


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