- Chris Kreucher, Keith Kastella, Alfred Hero, Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle Filter Representation of the Joint Multitarget Probability Density. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Pages 258-269, August 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Information-based Sensor Management for Multitarget Tracking. The Proceedings of SPIE Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets, Pages 480-489, August 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Particle Filtering and Information Prediction for Sensor Management. The 2003 Defense Applications of Data Fusion Workshop, July 2003. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, A Bayesian Method for Integrated Multitarget Tracking and Sensor Management. The Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Information Fusion, Pages 704-711, July 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, An Information Based Sensor Management Method for Multitarget Tracking. The 2003 Workshop on Multiple Hypothesis Tracking: A Tribute to Samuel S. Blackman, Pages 77-81, May 2003. [PDF]
- C. Kreucher, K. Kastella, A. Hero, Tracking Multiple Targets Using a Particle Filter Representation of The Joint Multitarget Probability Density. The Sixth ONR/GTRI Workshop on Target Tracking and Sensor Fusion, May 2003.
- Chris Kreucher, Keith Kastella, Alfred Hero, Multi-target Sensor Management Using Alpha Divergence Measures. The Procededings of the Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) Conference, Pages 209-222, April 2003. [WWW] [PDF]
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